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Videos of demomstration of Rotorways

To straighten out all these misconceptions of flying Rotorways on floats I thought I would post this video.

I had two cameras one from the shore and the GroPro in the cabin.

These are the lotus floats and I will be working with the supplier to create a better design as I sit a little low in the water but like the shape of these better than the other ones you see on the market.

During the video I flip back and forth between the two different cameras so that you can see the two different perspectives.

I have well of 150 hours of float flying in the Rotorway and just love it!

This video is a demonstration of the stock muffler on one ship and our new stainless steel tuned exhaust system. This muffler keeps back pressure to a minimum without any notice power loss. As most of you that have over 600 hours on a standard exhaust they collapse inside and are always noisy. Our mandate was to create a muffler that will get more then 600 hours of use, much quieter, lower tone so that it is a more pleasant sound to the ear. and of course as light as possible. This model is made of 16 gauge 304 stainless steel which will last much long then the factory. we that the weight down to only a 1.4 lbs heavier. Have a listen for yourself. This video was taken with the same camera position and on the same day so that the condition were identical.

We also just like to have some fun


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